Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Glorified Art of Dumpster Diving

If you are a thrifty shopper like me, you will appreciate Freecycle!
Freecycle, or as I call it, the glorified art of dumpster diving is absolutely the easiest way of finding no cost treasures around town.
No more wasting gas driving around neighborhoods, hoping to find that dresser you've been needing.
Freecycle is your answer!!
This is how it works:
1. The easiest way to sign up is through Yahoo! Groups.
This is if you already have a Yahoo Email account or are creating one.
Which is what I did :)
After signing in or signing up to Yahoo! Mail. You will then click on the "Groups" tab. Search for Freecycle (name of town/city). Example: Freecycle Dububuque.
It will bring up the page and you click the "Join" button.
Once joining has been established, there are many ways you can use Freecycle.
1. To post an item you are WANTing, to post items you are OFFERing, to post items that have been TAKEN (this is if you list items and they have been picked up.
*Notice the capitalization of the words WANT, OFFER, TAKEN. These will be key words in which you will have to begin your post. More detailed instructions are emailed to you by the group moderator.
2. You can personalize your settings on which email you want notifications sent to.
For instance, I primarily use a Gmail account, but I do have a Yahoo! account for junk mail. I have set the setting to where I recieve all Freecycle posting to my gmail.
3. You can adjust how much "mail" you receive from Freecycle in the settings. Sometimes your inbox can become overwhelming with EVERYONE'S postings. My preference is to receive all mailings and postings, because this is my newest addiction and I HAVE to know who's giving away what at all times. :)
4. Always post "WANTED" if you need certian things, even if you think no one will respond, they will! I live in a great community where if a Freecycle user doesn't have what I'm looking for, they will point me to the right direction. This can be a great networking tool also!

The #2 option of signing up with Freecycle is to check out this link:
You can sign up for a new account here and specify your city/town :)

A few SAFETY tips!!!!!
1. If you are on your way to pick up some treasures, make sure the person giving has set items either on their porch or on their property. This is usually what the givers will do, so it remains safe, and they will most likely label that item with your name.

2. I would not recommend entering someone's home to pick up items unless:
a. You are bringing a friend with you
b. You are picking up furniture...still bring a friend with you.
c. BRING A FRIEND WITH YOU!!! Plain and simple :)

3. Try picking up items during the day, especially if you are driving in an
unfamiliar area.

One last tip of advice!
Always give back to the Universe, from what you have received.
Use freecycle to get rid of your unwanted treasures, rather than dropping them off at a thrift store. Nothing wrong with Thrift store, I shop them all the time.
What I am saying is return the favor ;)
~Happy "diving"

"It is more blessed to give than to receive" -Acts 20:35

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