Thursday, February 23, 2012

"Do Something" Day 2 - Get Involved

Tonight I was introduced to this organization and literally became, as a fellow neighbor likes to say, "FIRED UP"
I mean this in a good way, I was so moved by what this organization does to provide humanitarian aid.
So late in this day, I still have one minute to post in Day 2 of "Do Something"
Get involved friends! Get excited about something and go for it!
Help people in need, it will be one of the most fulfilling joys you will encounter.
See you all on Day3!
Blessings be with you...

1 comment:

  1. And you do know you can write posts ahead of time and schedule them to post on a designated day, right? ;-). (unless the scheduled posts is only wordpress but you can still write ahead)

    Thanks for the great posts!
