Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"Do Something" Day 36 - Learn something new

We took our friends to the Mississippi River Museum today! I enjoy taking people there, including my own family. Even though we have had a membership there for almost 2 years, I like to take the kids and learn something new.
There's always a new exhibit to explore, and if I am able too with their attention, I like to read all the various facts and information to them in the new exhibits. Usually at the end of the day we ask the kids what they loved the best on our adventure and they both will share their favorite part.
It's amazing how in every stage and age in life life, there is always an opportunity to learn something new. Try finding a museum, a gallery, an attraction where you live and take the time to read the informational postings and if you take a friend or loved one along share with each other at the end of the day your favorite new piece of information that captured your attention!
Have fun!

Blessings be with you...

Monday, April 2, 2012

"Do Something" Day 35 - Hospitality

Today and all week long, we have a house full of guests! I am so thrilled to spend 5 lovely days with my very dearest friend and her three children. We have so much planned and hope that everyone will enjoy the tiny little excursions we have planned.
Do you enjoy having guests stay in your home? For me, I enjoy serving in many ways. First, I want to make sure all guests are comfortable and feel as if they were at home, next I want them to be able to enjoy food that has been prepared for them, and lastly I want to make sure that our guests are having a great time!
Sometimes this gives me some stress, only because I worry about if everyone is having a great time. So far, I think we all are enjoying the company of one another!
Invite a guest over, prepare a room for them, a meal, and a loving environment.

Blessings be with you...